Friday, February 4, 2011

Lone ranger

Baru blk keje...

Harini lone ranger. My consultant n the 2 registrars are away. Endocrine conference in dublin. SHO in AMU. I sorang2 kt wad. At least ada 10 patients je. Tp tu pon tak menang tangan handle sorang2. Plus arini ada byk daycase admission pulak. A known DIFFICULT venesection was 1 of them. Sighs. Dlm byk2 hari hari ni la kan difficult case ni nk dtg. Sabar je la. Dugaan...

Omg kesimpulan nya sucks gila xde reg utk tnye2 soalan ble x tahu/paham sumtin psl patient.. Br sedar best gila to have that luxury selama ni.. Ok td boleh je nk kol dorang tp susah sikit la, eh sikit apa byk kot!, sbb dorang in a conference so kalo x free xleh jawab kol la kan.. Plus nnt both pn akan kol me at the same time so xtau nk jwb mana satu.. N nnt sorang ckp laen, sorang lg ckp laen...

Hmm wutever lah.. Survived it. Dh abes pon hari keje jumaat... Dah la overtime extra than usual today... Huhhh tp xkn di bayar pn, ok! Jahat kn dorang ni ot x byr pon tau x. Haa sapa kate keje doktor best, kaya raya, bla bla?? Sapa?? Sapa?

Aaaaanyway, angin kt cork hari ni kuat gilaaa. Naseb ada baby tlg berat kn mommy kalo x mesti mommy di terbangkn angin kot!

Ok sgt stress, tbe2.

N oh yes did i tell u im oncall tomorrow, Saturday.

Life sucks. Period

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Location:Victoria Cross,Cork,Ireland

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Tak sabar tunggu habis kerja esok.. Nk jumpa husband tercinta..

Huu dia oncall today..

Anyway, thnk u feesha n gg for dinner dis evening.. At least mengisi kekosongan hati ecehhh haha. Eh ye la, kalo x blk umah duduk sorang2 aje :(

Ohhh hope iq isnt so busy syg..

N risau nya ika. My baby sis..

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone