Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Baby baby baby oooohh..

Dear Baby,

I love u so muchhh

Mommy reaaaally cant wait to see u

Though mommy havent a clue what labour entails (ok i know quite a lot actually, in fact maybe too much from my obs&gynae, but those are nothing. They wont help me at all with the real thing, u think? Anyway, one thing for sure that i know is, it ll be very very painful. Eh? Tu je yg mommy tau!) and we havent bought you anything yet, apart from these cute little clothing hangers mommy saw in wilton last week! Ngeeee. Baby cuma baru ade hanger baju je :P hihihi peace! Baju, cot, botol susu, diapers, push chair etc2 seme zero lg :P heee peaceee!

Ok ok xpe.. Weeknd ni we are determined to get u ur stuffs hoyeahhh! Its bank hol weeknd n we re both not working (syukurrr) so we re planning to go shopping for u! Yeayy shopping spree just the 3 of us ;)

Alaaa plus ur loving aunties back home had bought u some stuffs pon :) from ikea lg. Say thank youuuuu to them in ur baby language ok ;) thank youuuuuu

Ok mommy postcall ni. Hence this random pic ok

Esok genap lah 32 weeks. Alhamdulillah. Omg u ll be 8 months tomorrow! :D


p.s soriii sgt baby kene dgr bunyi bleep yang annoying ini. Kta bersabar ok. Mmuah

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Location:Bantry General Hospital

Monday, March 7, 2011

Baby names

Tgh oncall

Nway tbe2 rs nk blog ni;

Sighs so nk kene pikir nama laen ke eh ?? Huu pdhal ktorg dah suka gila n sama2 nk nama tu

Tp.. Tp..


(pic random gila. Maen snap je pape dpan mata right now)

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Location:Cork university hospital,Cork,Ireland

Thursday, March 3, 2011


Random cerita ku dunia ku. Here goes:

1. eventho its nearly weeknd (n im no oncall til nxt mon) i still dont feel xcited/looking forward for the weeknd as i usually would because we've ACLS course. the whole weeknd. erhh. ayo dah la x abes studi n buat assessment die lg lalalallala~

2. will go to Bantry General Hospital soon. ?yeay ?yikes

3. just moved into our new house. still havent finished unpacking (n packing stuffs in our previous aprtment! ada lg few bende x amek lg from orchard court tu). well, at least 75% done. not so bad so. still, moving out is NO FUN. heh but my husband is very gagah one naik turun tangga apartment 4 tingkat tu angkat brg2 n tak bagi i buat pape kecuali pack n unpack barang so hoorayy~ i love u sayang! nnt kte beli alat2 workout iq yehhh mmmuah

brg2 dpan pintu bilik tak unpack lg lalalalla~

4. im 26weeks++ pregnant. my perut is besar. besar, i tell u. omg. n i dah gain 9 kg. 9kg! hahahaha gembira ok. ok tp i stil x pcaya 9 kg. 9kg!? tp logik je. hmm nk kene cek lg skali esok

5. i miss my husband. hes on call today. sighs. bosan nye :s xde org nk kacau,bebel,borak,marah,buli, merajuk,manja,etc2 to mlm ni... cepat la come quick hari esok jumaat pukul 6pm onwards!! nk jumpa iq!!

6. i dh boleh drive kete manual!!!! hahaha akhirnye i dah bole drive mr. polo tu on my own. husband i pun mcm dah yakin dgn i. ye la yakin la kalo x takkan die bagi i drive sorang2, pg anta n amek die from work dis one time... haa.. haa.. tere la kan i bwk kete manual skrng.. hahaha tp of cuz la x tere gile, still x mantap lg la drive... tp boleh laaa ;) hehehe lgpun kene la boleh nnt nk kene drive g Bantry! huhuhu. ok kenapa laaaaa kene 'downgrade' bawak kete manual waaaaa rindu gila drive kt msia, dah la auto, n aku ratu jalan kot! plus kalo bosan je aaaaaanytime leh drive pg pantai n chillex tepi pantai. ohhh i miss home oh msiaaaa oh tanahairku~

7. fyi, xde satu pun brg baby yg ktorg dh beli! yet. not even a.. a.. tah apa la panggil bendalah cover tgn n kaki baby tu.... hmm... ok, clueless gila aku. omg betul ke nk ada anak soon ni lalallalaa~

8. i hate work

ok tu dulu. bye2

eh ehh chup tbe2 teringt one other random cerita nk update. ok no. 9..

9. Alhamdulillah i dh rasa fetal movement. last saturday. hehe. dah lama la duk risau runsing bagai2 sbb x rasa2 lagi sebab buku obs n gynae ckp by 18 weeks patot dah rasa etc2 last2 we decided dat dat weeknd on sunday nk pg ER nk mntk die scan sbb x rasa la baby gerak2 lagi (nk kene tunggu sunday tu sbb nya saturday tu ktorg plan nk pindah2 barang masuk rumah baru la kan) skali dat saturday morning, early in the morning, i rs mcm.. mcm.. ish susah la nk describe.. tp rs mcm laen la kt perut. kejap ada kejap xde. at first i thot maybe my bowel kot.. tp.. tp.. ble die on n off n mcm seronok je i rs yakin dat it must be my baby gerak2 n i finally can feel his/her movements. excited gila. n very hepi. kalo boleh nk rasa baby gerak all the time sbb seronokkk sgt hehe husband i cakap baby x suka hospital kot sbb ble cakap je nk pg spital nk cek nape tak rasa die gerak2 lagi terus die bagi mommy die rasa dia gerak2 hiks heee sama la kte baby. mommy pon tak suka hospital. tak sabar nak pencennn!

ok bye. tu je utk kali ni. nk kene sambung blaja ACLS. or maybe akan teros tido saja. aaaaa kenapa kene kerjaaaa esok

Friday, February 4, 2011

Lone ranger

Baru blk keje...

Harini lone ranger. My consultant n the 2 registrars are away. Endocrine conference in dublin. SHO in AMU. I sorang2 kt wad. At least ada 10 patients je. Tp tu pon tak menang tangan handle sorang2. Plus arini ada byk daycase admission pulak. A known DIFFICULT venesection was 1 of them. Sighs. Dlm byk2 hari hari ni la kan difficult case ni nk dtg. Sabar je la. Dugaan...

Omg kesimpulan nya sucks gila xde reg utk tnye2 soalan ble x tahu/paham sumtin psl patient.. Br sedar best gila to have that luxury selama ni.. Ok td boleh je nk kol dorang tp susah sikit la, eh sikit apa byk kot!, sbb dorang in a conference so kalo x free xleh jawab kol la kan.. Plus nnt both pn akan kol me at the same time so xtau nk jwb mana satu.. N nnt sorang ckp laen, sorang lg ckp laen...

Hmm wutever lah.. Survived it. Dh abes pon hari keje jumaat... Dah la overtime extra than usual today... Huhhh tp xkn di bayar pn, ok! Jahat kn dorang ni ot x byr pon tau x. Haa sapa kate keje doktor best, kaya raya, bla bla?? Sapa?? Sapa?

Aaaaanyway, angin kt cork hari ni kuat gilaaa. Naseb ada baby tlg berat kn mommy kalo x mesti mommy di terbangkn angin kot!

Ok sgt stress, tbe2.

N oh yes did i tell u im oncall tomorrow, Saturday.

Life sucks. Period

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Location:Victoria Cross,Cork,Ireland

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Tak sabar tunggu habis kerja esok.. Nk jumpa husband tercinta..

Huu dia oncall today..

Anyway, thnk u feesha n gg for dinner dis evening.. At least mengisi kekosongan hati ecehhh haha. Eh ye la, kalo x blk umah duduk sorang2 aje :(

Ohhh hope iq isnt so busy syg..

N risau nya ika. My baby sis..

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Thursday, January 27, 2011

Med 4

Ok im going to bed now. I need to. Ok cao

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Med 3

N fyi, dlm 6 bulan kontrak keje ni, im only entitled to 12days of annual leave! 12 out of 180! Arghhhhhhh

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Med 2

Plus, gaji bukan nye banyak sangat pon

Tu potong, ni potong. Tu xleh claim, ni tak cover..


Did i tell u i hate my job? I hate my job, ok!

Erghhhh :s

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I just need to let this out... Before i go to bed

I hate my job

I hate it!


Being a doctor sucks! Junior one ke, senior ke.. Super senior ke.. X kesah la yg penting keje dokte mmg sucks!

No one can really understand and appreciate this. Seriously,no one. Except for those who are in d same profession, doing d same thing as im doing, who are as unlucky as i am!

(all those crap n bull**** in greys anatomy or scrub or wutever in the tele these days are crap n bull****. period)

It takes away ur everything, EVERYTHING, from u without mercy

Im so worried for baby. N his/her future bros n sis. Work is too crazy beyond word, im so scared that work might steal my time and energy for family.. I might miss his/her sports day because they want me in the hospital to conteng2 in a sick patient's notes n do jobs n arrange n chase after n beg for investigations for dat patient, gaduh dgn nurse, etc...


And i really hate it when i see med students in the hospital's study room at 3,4 am when im on call! Gila! Go home n sleep while u can laaa! Darn

N even u x oncall but ur spouse is, u would still feel as miserable as if u are oncall.

Omg there are stills loads dat i want to write but
Cannot lahhhh! Need to tido esok keje lg. Darn. Oh time, how i miss u... If only ive more of u i'd write everyyhing in detail so dat ppl reading get wut i mean


Keje.. Blk.. Tdo.. Bgn.. Keje.. Blk.. Tdo.. Bgn.. Keje.. Oncall.. Keje lagi.. Blk.. Tdo.. Bgn.. Keje.. Oncall.. Keje lagi..


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Location:Orchart court, Victoria Cross

Thursday, January 6, 2011


This is me

This is my beloved husband!!
Dia tgh kagum tu dgn kesedapan Tinseltown's oreo milkshake
Heee comel la iq nii eee gerammm geramm

1st attempt. Xjd. Ishhhh

Ni 2nd attempt. Better, kn!

Dlm tren. Dia tgh ngantuk tu ready nk tdo dh pon. Boring i ble dia tdo tauuu

Ok dah la gmbr muka ktorg kn lets see gmbr.. Mkanannn!! Fooddd, glorious foooodddddd..!

Ok ni gmbr mknan yg sempat amek. Byk nye x sempat sbb ble smpi kt meja je teros serbu nom nom nommm NGAP! haha

Lebanese food. Hazriq's favourite. Omg salad dia is the best ever!!! Lupa la nama local dia. Sumtin-Leyh

So these two r the before pics...

After! Hahha sedap sgt so habis licin

Dessert. Sedapp

Ok ni lak Chinese, i suppose. Noodle Oodle. Sedap gilerrr. Kalah Wagamama, ok. Gordon Ramsay pon approves. Oh oh N thats roast duck guys ;)

Lauk tofu iq. Sedappp sgt. Lembuttt. Enak.Iq mkn nasi wth lauk2..

Wth roast chicken n duck!

Ummm berselera dia makann hiks

Ok ni dim sum :)

Ok dh lah penat lh upload gmbr. Ada lg gmbr nk tnjuk cth nya gmbr hotel ktorg yg cantik gilerrr n murah pulak tu kt stansted. Tp mls lah.

Oh tp nk upload gmbr ni. Tbe2 rs nk amek gmbr ni td ms break hehe

Eh x jd lah. Xnk lh upload jugak... Segan

Hee peace!

Ok byeeee

P.s patot nye title post ni ialah gmbr2 ms d london last weeknd kn.. Tbe2 br tprasan seme gmbr kt london. Ekceli plan asal nk upload gmbr random2 je heh

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Location:Orchard Court Apartment, Victoria Cross, Cork

Wednesday, January 5, 2011


I miss my hazriqku...

(eh dh lama x gune hazriqku hihihi tu nama b4 kawin hee aftr kawin nama manja lain pula)

I noe skrng die tgh bz bkerja.. Oncall bagai.. Txt i x sempat nk reply pn lg.. Kalo dia x bz dia akan reply cepat.. "Ohhh i miss u sooo much sygg. Bia la org kata gedik ke apa yul x kire rindu sgt kt iq n x sbr nk tngu fri harap iq dpt blk cork awal.. N yeyyy lps ni iq x yah g tralee lagi yeyyy kta x perlu nk hug n kiss goodbye evry sunday evening b4 iq gerAk blk tralee insyaAllah"

Hepi sgt for dat..


Aaaaaanyway, i sendirik tgh onkol maen2 bons.. X bz pon.. Ade keje sikit2 je.. N looks like i can blk on time today ;)

Oh Eimer br kol td. Apparently cuh br bukak med assessmnt unit. Nxt mon opening. I ll b d 1st intern to cover it the 1st week. Oh wow! Hope dats good thing.. Hmm

Sgt looking 4ward to go to cuh sbb mahu belajarrrrr!! Tp tp anxious sgt in terms of work load.. Working hours.. Environmnt... Fascilities... Colleagues..

Ahhh.. Abaikan. X elok runsing2 unnecessarily. Baby x suka

Ok byeeee nk smbng onkol main2 bons hiks

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Location:Intern room, Bons Secours Hospital, College Road, Cork